  • Comprehensive litigation in IP, unfair competition, media and IT law
  • Conducting of preliminary injunction proceedings / urgent legal protection
  • Defense against preliminary injunctions / submission of protective briefs
  • Conducting of complaint l proceedings [Hauptsacheverfahren] / law suits [Klagen]
  • Enforcement and defense of claims with courts, such as claims for / to cease and desist, removal, information, damages, compensation, handover, destruction, deletion, recall and reimbursement
  • Representation with ordinary courts [ordentliche Gerichte] (Regional Courts [Landgerichte] and Courts of Appeal [Oberlandesgerichte])
  • Cooperation with lawyers admitted to the Federal Court of Justice in proceedings at the Federal Court of Justice
  • Representation with the Federal Patent Court Court of the European Union and the Court of first instance (?)Justice of the European Union
  • Enforcement] / administrative fine proceedings / penalty payment proceedings
  • Coordination and management of national and international cross-border court proceedings
  • Alternative dispute resolution / arbitration